We are finally in the thick of it – the juicy center of a Venture Brothers season as plot details are building upon themselves not only as gag moments but some character development as well.
As we’ve learned from this episode, heavy is the crown upon the brow of leadership as Dr. Mrs. the Monarch has to deliver some badness to a fellow Guild Member as her path ends up colliding with the Monarch in a show down of Guild vs Blue Morpho.
How exactly did this all end up like this? Click on the handy little button below and find out!
The legend of the Blue Morpho is growing as after Gary (dressed as Kano) managed to save Billy but at the expense of accidently killing Harangutan, the Guild isn’t too pleased and it falls to Dr Mrs Monarch to investigate the situation.
Things are getting a bit bumpy at home as The Monarch has maintain his secret as he works on his list to get back to his former place. It’s a bit of a shift in their working relationship as to up until this point, The Monarch had everything at his disposal including his wife’s help but with the guild in such a fragile spot, there’s a sense of tension as to Dr Mrs Monarch – it looks like the Monarch isn’t doing anything at all while she’s out.
Speaking of duties, informing the deceased at a dive bar is one of them. There’s a cameo by Brickfrog and the other deer guy? A total nod to Jagermeister, without a doubt. Of course, with the name Battleaxe – one would easily assume that they’re dealing with a tough as nails woman and once she gets her makeup on, it’s full celtish wraith as they head to impound lot to get the Harangutank back.
At the same time, The Monarch and Gary are figuring out who to target next as The Monarch is thrilled with the idea of Gary killing off the rest but to be fair, the punch was just nudge to pushing Harangutan into the pit left behind by Wide Wale’s minions.
While Gary has a list worked out of how Wide Wale is giving out arching rights to his minions, they have to figure out how to get the car out of the impound which comes down to taking the bus to the place.
Brock is also having one hell of a morning start as he makes some awkward small talk with Warianna and after doing some rough stuff, he’s feeling a bit off as he fumbles with his knife in the presence of the Guild as he tells Dr Mrs Monarch that the security feed is off limits.
When this is brought to the attention of the Guild, Wide Wale offers his services as Rusty Venture is dealing with problems of his own from the last episode such as the effects of the God Gas. There’s a hilarious bit with Billy doing his Drunk Hasselhoff impression that goes viral which makes the Vanatech stocks take a hit, sinking their plans to bring the God Gas to the annual science convention.
Speaking of Ventures, we haven’t seen much of Dean aside from the first and second episode as he’s now part of the students enrolled with the local university. His philosophy teacher sees great potential in Dean but is disappointed in his work, citing that he seems distracted at home. His advice is to study away from the Venture building at specific set of hours as his teacher is a villain in disguise known as Think Tank – a homage to MODOK and Hector Hammond.
Everything comes together in an intense showdown at the impound lot as Monarch/Gary are trying to find the Morpho Mobile and at the same time, Battle Axe bursts on to the scene with Dr Mrs Monarch to get back the van. It gets pretty raw as Dr Mrs Monarch is cursing up a storm as she stalks the impound lot with a loaded gun, threatening to kill Morpho on sight as they finally find the car. Despite the windshield being able to take a bullet, Monarch begins to panic and after pushing some buttons, we get a flying mode that kinda resembles the DeLorean’s flight mode but more wings and the doors are wide open.
A chase scene begins with The Monarch suggesting to swing by the Venture complex for a flyby poop in the pool (a slight nod to the email from earlier stating they need more TP at home) as Dr Ms Monarch is in hot pursuit, followed by a drunken Battle Axe in the Harangutank as she believes that Venture is Morpho after sneaking a peak at the footage on Dr Mrs Monarch’s laptop that she left behind in her purse.
With the high speed pursuit heading towards the Venture compound, Brock is throwing down with Think Tank as for a brief moment, Brock has his arm through the force field protecting Think Tank as the villain has his cannon barrel pointed straight at his chest
“I have a high velocity cannon pointed directly at your chest!”
“… I could dodge it”
A flying Brock collides into Warianna on patrol as a team up occurs that easily leads to Think Tank’s defeat along with some post fighting kinky stuff as a lasso held Brock confesses to liking the butt stuff from the previous night.
Everything comes to an explosive end as while Think Tank is waiting out in front of the Venture lobby, the drunk Battle Axe loses control of the vehicle, sending the pair of them to crash through the building and landing in the pit, exploding upon impact.
With the Blue Morpho gone from the scene, the only person that Dr Mrs Monarch can confirm at the scene of the demise of two guild members is Dr Venture on top of the roof as she pieces together a set of suspicious thoughts about the identity of the Blue Morpho.
I think aside from the third episode, this one had the most blink and you’ll miss it gags. There’s some bits with Watch and Ward involving a juice box dispute, the long form of Monarch taking a dump in Venture’s pool which went from being just a gag to being an actual plot point (Venture fishing out the turd placing him in the sight of Dr Mrs Monarch) and one of my favourite gag characters is hanging out at the bar (BRICKFROG!)
The stinger at the end really sets the tone of what’s coming ahead as at the start of the episode, both of Dr Mrs Monarch and Monarch were getting ready to start the day, angry at each other with Monarch unable to tell her his secret identity to which it makes him come off as lazy, spending time goofing off with Gary. When we come back to the full day’s event, the house looks better after some reno has been finished and Dr Mrs Monarch lets slip that she has bigger concerns now, namely the Blue Morpho.
As I mentioned earlier, you can tell there’s a lot of stress going on now that Dr Mrs Monarch is in a position of authority as despite the other members doing their best to run the Guild, she’s put into the leadership position as the face of the Guild.
Her transition to going full on killer mode when confronting the Monarch in disguise as Blue Morpho really set the stage as despite being nearly killed by the Sovereign at the start off the season, we’ve never seen her get this angry, the amount of F bombs being dropped was almost startling.
At this point, there’s three episodes left in the season and now that the Blue Morpho has been confirmed to exist in person by Dr Mrs Monarch, things are gonna get hairy for Monarch/Gary as he has to be careful that his obsession with arching Venture doesn’t escalate the trouble he’s already in.
Here’s some larger caps for email gag and Think Tank’s scanner mode

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