Comics News Trailers 4

Talking Comics for 05.11.16 – Penny Dreadful #1, Satellite Falling #1, & Favorite Creators!

Always fun Buzz and excited Chris Hunter come to us for another great week of Talking Comics. This week they’re talking Penny Dreadful #1, Satellite Falling #1, & Favorite Creators for May 11, 2016. Check out the video and my follow up to their question…

Gonna check out The Fix, Grizzly Shark & The Rocketeer comics!

YAY! My comic is still coming all the way up here in Canada. Thanks for the shout out, guys! ๐Ÿ™‚

To follow up on the Talking Comics question: My top 3 creative teams & the dream projects…

1. Ed Brisson & Stuart Immonen do an Alpha Flight series! Mike Zeck cover art.

2. Jason Aaron & Johnnie Christmas do a Question series.

3. Ed Brisson & Stuart Immonen do an Alpha Flight series! Mike Zeck cover art.

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