Marvel’s Secret Empire Begins – Robert’s Big Review So Marvel’s Secret Empire Begins in the following comics that have come out over the last few weeks & this… Continue reading
Tag: Civil War II
THAT’S IT! I’ve fncking had ENOUGH of all the fncking Event books by DC & Marvel Comics! I’M DONE! I DON’T CARE ANYMORE! I can’t handle it. I’m… Continue reading
An Original Avengers falls in Civil War II issue #3 which is heart pounding, dramatic, intense and well paced. Brian Bendis and the entire art & editorial team… Continue reading
YES!! I’m ALL IN for the new Iron Man Riri Williams! So today Marvel Comics released big news today about the future of Iron Man. Seems that Tony… Continue reading
Is THIS the big end of Tony Stark as Iron Man, as we see from the upcoming cover teaser for Marvel Comics Civil War II issue 7? Is… Continue reading
Marvel Comics has just come out with it’s new “Divided We Stand” Fall event. So it seems like these are the heroes who will be focused upon after… Continue reading
βππ! πβπΈπ! π ²π Ύπ Όπ Έπ ²π β Teenage Witch Edition (May 18th pulls)
From this point forward, it’s all about bite size morsels of information about what’s hot and new for comics being released this week. It’s a busy week… Continue reading
So we’ve talked about DC Rebirth but now it’s time to focus on the upcoming Marvel event – Civil War II. Just in time to tie into Captain… Continue reading
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