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BtS Podcast 0001 – Here there be Transformers

transformers-more-than-meets-the-eye-megatron-panelsThis past weekend, the Between the Staples crew had a chance to do a few pancakes, stuffed french toast & country steaks (thanks iHop) plus a little chatting at our first ever…
#BetweenTheStaplesCon! Joining our regular awesome contributor Ian Aspden & myself was – Arctic Grodd. Yes. A Grodd was talking with us… about Comic Books, specifically IDW TRANSFORMERS: More than Meets the Eye & just TRANSFORMERS. I KNOW, RIGHT!? How Awesome was that?! VERY!

Anyways, have a listen & enjoy. Lots of laughter and yes, swearing (mainly by me) for our first podcast. OH and yes, the audio isn’t the best. We’re working on getting better on this tech stuff! ๐Ÿ˜›