The New Age Of DC Comics – Dark Matter. So. Yeah. At today’s The Diamond Summit 2017 in Chicago ahead of C2E2 (Chicago Con), news of DC Comics doing Dark Matter which will come out after Dark Night: METAL. Watch the promo video to see what’s Jim Lee is singing about all these new titles that are ARTIST heavy via branding DC Comics is calling DC Master Class.
From YouTube:
Introducing new DC Universe Dark Matter titles. First comes DARK DAYS, which gives way to the DARK NIGHTS, which gives birth to the DARK MATTER. Welcome to the new age of DC heroes.
Robert: NOW – my issue here is that it’s ALL Men. And since when is both Tony Daniel & Kenneth Rocafort considered Comic Book Master Artists?! Where’s Fiona Apple, Amanda Conner, Pia Guerra, Colleen Doran, Laura Allred, Nicola Scott, Rachel Dodson, Jan Duursema or Becky Cloonan to name a few? Very UNCOOL DC Comics but I shouldn’t be surprised, DC Comics has been a MEN’S ONLY club for ages.
Update from Bleeding here:
DiDio said that at this first phase of expansion, DC was “Counting on folks who have a track record to do this for us.” The publisher is betting that big name artists who have already move big numbers in comic shops will give Dark Matter its best chance for initial success. But that doesn’t mean a more diverse roster of creators won’t be coming onto DC titles and even Dark Matter titles in the future.
Robert: Okay. Suuuuuuure, it’s MUCH easier to say that this is Phase I when you get such feedback then go full panic mode to fill in the female creators. It would have made DC Comics look great if their Master Class list didn’t initially start with MEN ONLY!
Robert: Now besides the Men only issue, I don’t have much else to say but OKAY. I’m NOT overly thrilled about ANY of the new titles coming out but I guess I’m NOT one of the select few who’s the target market for these books. I’m not 18 years old buying those first Image Comics because it was being done & focused on the ARTISTS first, story MUCH later. I hope these books do well and help sales but all comic books in general. NOW… what’s the BEST that The Immortal Men drawn by Jim Lee ends after 4 issues? If that many?
Here’s the breakdown of all the new titles coming out…
Dark Nights: Metal by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo – August 2017
Silencer by Dan Abnett and John Romita Jr – September 2017
Sideways by Dan DiDio, Justin Jordan and Kenneth Rocafort – September 2017
Damage by Robert Vendetti and Tony Daniel – October 2017
The Immortal Men by James Tynion IV and Jim Lee – October 2017
New Challengers by Scott Snyder and Andy Kubert – December 2017

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