YES!! I’m ALL IN for the new Iron Man Riri Williams! So today Marvel Comics released big news today about the future of Iron Man. Seems that Tony… Continue reading
Category: News
Geekdom News!
Is THIS the big end of Tony Stark as Iron Man, as we see from the upcoming cover teaser for Marvel Comics Civil War II issue 7? Is… Continue reading
I’m very Ho-Hum on this series, as much as I like that Marvel does silly, fun comic books but do we REALLY NEED a The Great Lake Avengers… Continue reading
Well looks like all the upcoming “I Quit!” teasers has lead to this new series, Champions, which I guess is the new New Warriors type of comic book… Continue reading
Talking Comics for 07.06.16 – Justice League Rebirth #1, Flintstones #1, Bounty #1 & More!
Talking Comics this week July 6th, 2016 stars Chris Hunter & Randy “the SAVAGE BEAST” Young and they’re talking about comics for this week: Talking Comics for 07.06.16… Continue reading
So it seems like there’s a big “I QUIT!” movement in Marvel Comics starting next week, July 5th!. Started with Nova, Ms. Marvel and Miles Spider-Man from All-New… Continue reading
Marvel Comics has just come out with it’s new “Divided We Stand” Fall event. So it seems like these are the heroes who will be focused upon after… Continue reading
Coming to Netflix on July 15th is Stranger Things which looks like a wonderful new series that mixes the best of a Steven Spielberg 80’s movie like ET… Continue reading
Um… okay, I didn’t need a new single “Sledgehammer” by Rihanna on the latest trailer for Star Trek Beyond but okay, sure. Cross promotions and what not, if… Continue reading
If you’re playing Uncharted 4 then you might know that Naughty Dog has released the Lost Treasures Multiplayer DLC. Some news of this update: Lost Treasures is our… Continue reading
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