Okay so earlier today, Marvel Comics put out this promo art for yet ANOTHER upcoming big event SECRET EMPIRE series (They. Never. End.) with this TERRIBLE just GAWDS AWFUL promo art. Just look at the faces of Old Man Logan, Captain America Hydra & Black Bolt – Sheesh that’s some depressing looks!
The artwork looks looks like the upcoming SECRET EMPIRE series is about poorly drawn Marvel hero action figures that come to life & jump around for all of 8 to 12 issues after a decompressed 3 issue lead-in. Also there will be only 52 crossover / tie-in issues about action figures lying about in the homes & secret headquarters of your favorite, non-favorite, don’t-care-about Marvel heroes and their numerous comic books. Old Man Logan is said to be getting 22 variant covers for each of his 12 crossover issues including one of the same poorly drawn action figure but this time drawn like a action figure still in it’s packaging (Yes. This is all bullshit but deserves to be said after that promo art!).
Seriously. Bad Marvel Comics. BAD!
This is SO bad that Dan Didio from DC Comics should fly out to New York, get a copy of the New York Times, roll it up and smack Marvel Comics on the fricken nose because the art is just THAT Bad!

As of right now, I don’t even f***king care what the upcoming Marvel SECRET EMPIRE is about. Even if it means they may be going back and re-hashing / writing about the old Secret Empire that was introduced way back in Tales to Astonish #81 and were created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. More here about them…
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