Comics Featured Podcasts Reviews

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From this point forward, it’s all about bite size morsels of information about what’s hot and new for comics being released this week. It’s a busy week for Marvel as Civil War 2 debuts with their first issue and Last Days of Magic gets a spotlight one shot featuring the merc with the mouth, Deadpool! Over on DC side, it’s still roughly two weeks until Rebirth kicks in as many ongoing titles such as Superman and Wonder Woman are starting to wrap up their arcs before starting fresh in June.

More details and a podcast after the cut!

Meanwhile, some old favourites are back on the scene again as Archie Horror Line revives itself from the grave with Sabrina the Teenage Witch kicking it off. Over at Image, Manifest Destiny is back again to delight everyone with the weird adventures of Lewis and Clark as they explore the feral lands of not quite right North America.

Lastly, do you remember those oldΒ Hanna-BarberaΒ cartoons such as Johnny Quest or Space Ghost? Well, slide on some nostalgia goggles as Johnny Quest kicks off Future Quest, a first time event where the heroes of Hanna-Barbera face off against an ancient and all-powerful force of evil.

Sit back & enjoy this week’s comic highlights/recommends

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